Two line Poetry

You know you are an old soul trapped in a millennials body when in the world of online planners and notes
Your heart still longs for that tiny little oddly shaped diary.

Unspoken Words

This post is one of those posts which is actually related to me.
I am really an old soul trapped in a millennials body.
Whenever I have an urge to jot something down or to write, I don't look for my phone. I always turn towards to my diary. Writing on a piece of paper gives me good feelings. I thrive for good stationery. I relentlessly buy micro-sized diaries or paper pads which are too small to write a complete sentence. I just buy them anyway.
Online notes and planners are not a bad thing, it's just that they are not my thing.

For Image quotes, you can follow me on my Instagram Account or you can also Follow me on Tumblr

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